Western mass quickie abortions.
(too old to reply)
2011-05-08 18:27:35 UTC
Many speak of Alien abductions and experiments that Aliens
perform on humans.
But do they know of what Aliens do with the millions upon
millions of Western quickie or cosmetic abortions?

Well what Aliens do is we take the fertilized embryo and we
place in test tube.
We then feed and fatten up, and use the result as food
Humans are quite tasty, and many other Aliens on various
worlds, who do not have sufficient meat product enjoy very
much, tender sautéed slices of human baby bottoms with a
cream sauce, or indeed spit roast human babies, or Mcbaby
burgers and they consider humans are indeed "finger lickin'

As in effect these aborted unborn babies and are as good as
dead anyway, then we have no conscious whatsoever about
using them for food product.
2011-05-08 18:28:14 UTC
Another useful purpose these unwanted foetuses serve is as

Many Aliens prefer to experiment on human life forms, they
find the results far more effective than experiments upon

So again, as these unborn humans are as good as dead anyway,
then when we have fattened them up and progressed them, then
we can sell them en masse to Aliens who wish to perform
various experiments on them.

Sometimes we keep them in cages until they are 20-30 years
old, to make the experiments more viable and effective,
although for food product, humans are better as babies or
very young children, where the flesh is more delicate and
tender and tastes much nicer.

If we have any unsold or unwanted humans left over, then we
merely cull them, mince them up and feed product to dogs.
But indeed human abortions or such a massive scale are a
lucrative form of income to THE BORG COLLECTIVE, who can
spot a good business venture a mile off.
